Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Starting My Zephyranthes (Rainlily) Collection

It has been years that i own Zephyranthes Candida (white flower) and Zephyranthes rosea (pink flowers).  The flower never set seed, new growth from offset.  Around 2 months back i went to ebay, and realized that so many variety is offered. Then The Hunting for collection was started.
I bought from Indonesia online store several species : Z. Ajax, Z. Grandiflora, Z. Miradorensis.
The plant comes as bulb, need around 1 week for the first leaf emerge (some bulb only 1 day).  Relatively short, since the bulb is grown locally and short shipping time, 3 to 5 days only.

Some uncommon species bought from ebay: Z. First Love, Z. Tenexio Apricot, Z. Lily Pies, Z. Big Dude, Z. Labuffarosa White (fragrant), Cooperia. Traubii, Z. Bangkok Yellow, Z. Krakatau, Z. Morris Clintii Redneck Romance, Z. Apricot Queen, Z. Siam Apricot, Z. Siam Orange, Z. Citrina.
Opppss, all of a sudden, i have more than 20 NEW pots in the garden.
The pots looks empty, since the bulb has not grown any leaf.  It takes 2 to 3 weeks for the first leaf to come out of the bulb.  Long distance shipping and pre drying process takes it toll.

Some species I started from seed: Z. Andersonii (H. Tubispathus), Z. Citrina and H. Robustus.
I bought the seed, since i thought a bit hard to get the bulb. If i know that relatively easy to obtain bulb (and some patient to search), then i will not buy the seed.  Too long for the seed to mature. the price it self (seed + shipping) is not really low. For comparison 1 packet of Z. Citrina seed $1,99 vs 1 Bulb of Citrina $2. 
3 pots below, left: Z. Citrina, Middle: Habranthus Robustus, Right: Z. Andersonii

If you want to see how zephyranthes grow and just started to collect Zephyranthes, my recommendation falls under Z. Citrina.  The plant germinate and grow fast. What  I read is in 1 year the plant will bloom.  I hope next year mine will bloom and the mature bulb that I bought already set its offset.

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