Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Habranthus Robustus Seedling 30 Nov 2013

All types already showing their third leaf. Citrina (left) around 15cm tall, robustus (middle) around 11 cm and the very thin Andersonii (right) only around 8 cm.

 Habranthus Robustus is progressing very well, when 3rd leaf matured, i guess its width around 2mm.

Zephyranthes Drummondii Journal Pt 3

The height of the seedling around 7 cm. 

The bulb already reached 26 cm tall.  Really need support to maintain its straight up position.
I seems the leaf a bit twisted.

Selasa, 26 November 2013

Zephyranthes Flavissima Flower Nov 2013

Morfology wise, i found the leaf of flavissima a bit different than most zephyr.
The leaf is cylindris and slender. The sheath of the leaf is spacing out between each one and this is significantly visible.

The peduncle is yellow color compared to common zephyr which is green.  2 Days back, I do not realized that it is a flower stalk. I think it is yellow leaf that need to be plucked out.  After looking closer i just realized it is a small flower stalk.

I guess the yellow peduncle also represent very bright yellow flower.  Lets in in the next 3 days.

The plant that will bloom soon, photo on 26 November 2013.

27 November 2013
28 November 2013
The plant need support otherwise will fall down
29 Nov 2013
Compared to Zephyr Ajax, Flavissma flower open early in the morning. Picture taken at 6:00 am.
30 Nov 2013
Flower open on second day. Not fresh, but the bright yellow color still attract the attention.


Senin, 25 November 2013

Zephyranthes Drummondii Journal Pt2

It seems drummondii leaf could not support upstraight growth.  The longest leaf, approx 24cm is sloppy and falling down.  Hmmm it needs braces, it seems.
After considering several options, my option fall on small plastik hose. 

Left picture (Cooperia traubii) significantly improve its stature after putting the plastic hose.
Now the plant is neat.

Minggu, 24 November 2013

Hippeastrum Vera Seed Finally Germinated 25 Nov 2013

Today, when i check my Hippeastrum Vera seed, 2 seeds already germinated.  This is the seed that sow on water. The seed in soil do not grow.  5 Days from floating on water ONLY.
My conclusion now, sowing on water is better than in soil, may be due to the fact that water do not have pest to disturb the seed and the humidity is constant.
Below picture showing plump, white root, taken on 25 Nov 2013.  Time to move into its pot, i hope it can survive.

Rabu, 20 November 2013

Zephyranthes Drummondii Journal Pt 1

I sow the Drummondii seed on 13 Nov 2013.  Every day I pour with rain water. It takes only 5 days for the seed to sprout, below picture was taken on 18 Nov 2013

On 21 Nov 2013 the young seedling is visible. it shows the sign of wide leaf zephyranthes.

Z. Drummondii is fast growing Zephyranthes. Bulb planted on the same day as the seed. On 21 Nov 2013, the leaf already grown >20 cm.
If the bulb can maintain this growing speed, I can expect its flower next year.  Below picture is showing the leaf is not green, but a bit bluish.  Not showing any glaucous sign yet, maybe due to its age, just 8 days old.

Hippeastrum Vera Seed - 20 Nov 2013

Today my Hippeastrum Vera seed arrived. Since the seller is nice, I got over 20 seeds, I tried 2 method, sowing in soil and sowing on top of water. Let's see whether they grow.

Plumeria Seedling 20 Nov 2013

I sow 3 seeds in the pot.  The first seed already growing for several weeks and I already forgot on the other seed. Then suddenly second seedling appear. 

Senin, 18 November 2013

Habranthus Robustus Seedling 18 Nov 2013

The second leaf almost fully grown. Length 12 cm and width 1 mm.
Now more visible since the leaf is much wider compared to when second leaf just emerged.

Kamis, 14 November 2013

Zephyranthes Ajax Bud 14 Nov 13

I bought Zephyranthes Ajax in September 2013, buy 1 get 1 free bulb.  Planted in 5" pot and put in the garden.  This week, the plant is exposed to heavy rain. Today, to my surprise, one bulb give flower bud.

I have curiosity on how to differentiate Z. Ajax and Z. Bangkok Yellow, since both  has same parent.  Definitely I have to wait for my Bangkok Yellow to flower for comparison.

Following is the journey of the bud.

14 Nov 2013

15 Nov 2013

16 Nov 2013
When took picture today, to my great surprise, i found another emerging flower bud.
Thus, one bulb of Z. Ajax can produce 2 flower bud.  I guess this trait is inherited from the parents; Z. Citrina.  Once, I saw photo of Z. Citrina, where one bulb can produce up to 3 flower stalks.
I hope when my Ajax bulb is established, can produce 3 flower stalk too. 

17 Nov 2013
18 Nov 2013

19 Nov 2013


20 Nov 2013

Selasa, 12 November 2013

New Zephyranthes Collection Arrived : Drummondii

Today I got a package from friend in Texas, some bulbs of Zephyranthes Drummondii and hundreds of Drummondii Seed :).  The first Zephyranthes i am looking for since I started collecting Zephyranthes in September 2013. A bit hard to get from internet since some part of the world already enter fall and close to winter. Now the challenge is germinating the seed, growing and make it flower.
I soak the bulb around 1 hour before planting.   Hmmmm, it is said 3 to 5 years from seed to flower. Must have much patient for this species. 

At the same day, another package also arrived from Thailand bringing My first red collection of Zephyranthes: Z. Pride of Singapore together with Z. King Ransom, Z. Double Petal Pink, Z. Airie and 3 Habranthus : H. John Feller, H. Tubispathus var. Variabilis and Habranthus Floryi purple base.

Time for after office gardening.

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Zephyranthes Candida Plants (Bulb & Flower)

At present, in all of my collection, Zephyranthes Candida is the most prolific bloomer. The flower is white with diameter around 2".

The flowering Size Bulb is vary greatly. Single plant must grow big before give its first flower (bulb diameter +/- 2cm), but if you don't break the clump, the bublet grow together with its parents, the bulb mature fast,  bulb with diameter 1+ cm already reach flowering size.  Below picture showing 2 matured, already flowered bulb.

If grown with abundant water, the flower stalk and leaf could reach 40+ cm.
Flower stalk
Close up flower


Kamis, 07 November 2013

Sugar Apple Fruit (Green)

If you are looking for sweet fruit, a plant that bear its fruit ALL YEAR ROUND, then should consider Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa), locally we call it 'Srikaya' or 'Buah Nona'.
I have two types, green and purple.  Just acquired the seed of the purple sp. 2 months back, so it is a very small seedling now.

The plant is not high, can go 4+ meters, but easily trimmed to 2 meter and still bears many fruits.
If well fertilized, the fruit can weigh more than 250gr. Remember to harvest the fruit in time since it ripe fast.

Rabu, 06 November 2013

Habranthus Robustus n Plumeria 6 Nov 2013

One month since i sowed my Habranthus Robustus seedling, finally its 2nd leaf emerged.
Below picture showing the early stage of the Bulb. Around 2-3 mm after 1 month.  Hope the bulb will grow faster since it has 2 leaves now.

Photo of other seedling

The plumeria seedling already growing its 4th leaf, picture taken 6 Nov 2013, do not grow much taller. Significant growth only the trunk getting bigger.

Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Starting My Zephyranthes (Rainlily) Collection

It has been years that i own Zephyranthes Candida (white flower) and Zephyranthes rosea (pink flowers).  The flower never set seed, new growth from offset.  Around 2 months back i went to ebay, and realized that so many variety is offered. Then The Hunting for collection was started.
I bought from Indonesia online store several species : Z. Ajax, Z. Grandiflora, Z. Miradorensis.
The plant comes as bulb, need around 1 week for the first leaf emerge (some bulb only 1 day).  Relatively short, since the bulb is grown locally and short shipping time, 3 to 5 days only.

Some uncommon species bought from ebay: Z. First Love, Z. Tenexio Apricot, Z. Lily Pies, Z. Big Dude, Z. Labuffarosa White (fragrant), Cooperia. Traubii, Z. Bangkok Yellow, Z. Krakatau, Z. Morris Clintii Redneck Romance, Z. Apricot Queen, Z. Siam Apricot, Z. Siam Orange, Z. Citrina.
Opppss, all of a sudden, i have more than 20 NEW pots in the garden.
The pots looks empty, since the bulb has not grown any leaf.  It takes 2 to 3 weeks for the first leaf to come out of the bulb.  Long distance shipping and pre drying process takes it toll.

Some species I started from seed: Z. Andersonii (H. Tubispathus), Z. Citrina and H. Robustus.
I bought the seed, since i thought a bit hard to get the bulb. If i know that relatively easy to obtain bulb (and some patient to search), then i will not buy the seed.  Too long for the seed to mature. the price it self (seed + shipping) is not really low. For comparison 1 packet of Z. Citrina seed $1,99 vs 1 Bulb of Citrina $2. 
3 pots below, left: Z. Citrina, Middle: Habranthus Robustus, Right: Z. Andersonii

If you want to see how zephyranthes grow and just started to collect Zephyranthes, my recommendation falls under Z. Citrina.  The plant germinate and grow fast. What  I read is in 1 year the plant will bloom.  I hope next year mine will bloom and the mature bulb that I bought already set its offset.

Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Lilium Dauricum Seed

Finally, my order of Lilium Dauricum Seed arrived on 21 Oct 2013. 
The seller said this is Epigeal growing lilium and i am expecting the sprout in 2 weeks time.
Directly planted on the day it arrived. 

Habranthus Seedling 21 Oct 2013

Heres the picture. The highest seedling around 5 cm.  I am expecting second leaf to emerge in 1 week time.  Plan to fertilize it when the second leaf is stable.

Lilium After Bloom 21 Oct 2013

After blooming, my lilium looks like shall start to set seed.  Lets see next month whether the seed is formed.

There are 2 new growth besides the flowering plant, i am expecting next bloom in 3 months time. 
The plant never been re-potting since first planting a year ago.

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Lilium Full Bloom on 18 Oct 2013

Finally, my lilium reach its maximum bloom size. Fragrant !
3 Days to enjoy the bloom, really rewarding.