Selasa, 12 November 2013

New Zephyranthes Collection Arrived : Drummondii

Today I got a package from friend in Texas, some bulbs of Zephyranthes Drummondii and hundreds of Drummondii Seed :).  The first Zephyranthes i am looking for since I started collecting Zephyranthes in September 2013. A bit hard to get from internet since some part of the world already enter fall and close to winter. Now the challenge is germinating the seed, growing and make it flower.
I soak the bulb around 1 hour before planting.   Hmmmm, it is said 3 to 5 years from seed to flower. Must have much patient for this species. 

At the same day, another package also arrived from Thailand bringing My first red collection of Zephyranthes: Z. Pride of Singapore together with Z. King Ransom, Z. Double Petal Pink, Z. Airie and 3 Habranthus : H. John Feller, H. Tubispathus var. Variabilis and Habranthus Floryi purple base.

Time for after office gardening.

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