Senin, 02 Oktober 2017

Dendrobium Hybrid NOID

Bought this dendro in bud. Considered small dendro since bulb height around 10 to 12 cm. It has 2 flower stalks (2 + 4 buds) in a single bulb; first time blooming.

Flower size quite big 6.5cm maybe this effects the flower count.

Grt Why Not Walk

Guaricationia Why Not Walk has similar stature as its parent Cattletonia Why Not. The difference only on the color which is purple and flower size slightly bigger than why not.
Flower come in cluster, hardly any below 5 buds. 

Plant size vs single flower size definitely not my favourite ratio.  The seller said that this plant has longer lasting flower than normal cattleya and it is easily give flower stalk. Ok that are good reasons already for me to buy this one. 

I know that multiple flower stalk already put a good show and waiting for my plant to give 3 stalk.