Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Hippeastrum Reticulatum Leaves

My neighbor has many of this hippeastrum and when i ask for some bulbs, my neighbor gave me 8 bulbs of various size. The most interesting of this hippeastrum is the Leaf.   White strip along the leaf.
The flower itself is pink with some vein. 
Quite challenging to grow this species. Planted for 8 weeks only 2 bulbs geowing.

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Hippeastrum Little Boy

I bought this hippeastrum since attracted to its name 'little'.  Has been looking for mini hippeastrum with solid red color.  Bought together with H. Double Beacon. the little boy bloom 3 weeks later. The photo was taken on 20 Jan 2014.


Zephyranthes Grandiflora

This Zephyranthes is the biggest pink zephyr that i currently have. When fully bloom, the diameter around 8cm. Soft pink color and a bit difficult to capture the real color with my Camera.
I missed the Day-1 bloom. The picture below is day-2 bloom.  Very rewarding, since the flower do not wither even a bit on the second day. Definitely an eye catching Zephyr.

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Hippeastrum Double Beacon

I bought this Hippeastrum in Nov 2013 from Japan.  Attracted by its double petal and fiery red color, i ordered a bulb online. Early Jan 2014, the plant give a flower stalk with 4 buds. A bit dissappointed, the first flower give a bit more petals, the next is lesser and the last one pure single petal.
The color itself is not as solid as the catalogue.  My flower still have an eye catching scarlet color, but far from my expectation of solid red. The flower size is medium around 14cm.